Thursday, January 27, 2011

Money Making Season

So I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one in this situations, but do u find that after the holidays your pockets are drained??? Well mine sure are. Despite my best efforts of budgeting and saving my money it still doesn't help, the bills still continue to pile in. Recently i found out that I will be transferring to a different school in an entirely different part of the state and i feel that in order to fully focus on my studies when I get there I need to not have to work as much. This means that I would want all of my debts and bills paid off before I leave. This has led me to a search of finding new ways of making money. Here's a list of things that I've come across lately in my search:
-get a second job (i work at nine west and David's Bridal)
-get a third job (possibly bed bath and beyond or old navy)
-sell stuff on eBay
-be an online survey taker
-mystery shopper
-look on craigslist for odd jobs
-garage/yard/estate sales
-and also become a donor.
Now this last one got me thinking, I know it is often joked about when men donate sperm, but i thought if women just donated their eggs. Turns out they do and there are lots of organizations that specialize in it. This actually seems pretty appealing to me and since it won't hurt nearly as much as donating bone marrow, and it also helps those who aren't fertile and can provide them with a family of their own. On top of that it isn't poorly paid, by a long shot. I may have to do a bit more research, but this may be something that I'm interested in. In the meantime I don't plan on quitting my day job.