Monday, January 16, 2012

A new year, a new me?

I'm sure that this is not the first time you've heard this phrase, in fact it seems like the same people say it EVERY year. I for one am not one of these people. I like who I am and who I've grown to be, I don't really see much reason to change that. Now I understand that some people don't really like themselves as much as I like me, so a change in character may be desired, but that change should be specific traits not the whole person. If you really want to make a change make a list of what those things are and tackle them one at a time. Also don't do it just because someone else is, do it because it's something you want and need to do. I didn't make new years resolutions because I tend to fail at those. If there's anything that I need to change I'll simply do it. But as of right now I like the path I'm on. A new year, a new me? Not likely, but I do intend to keep making progress.